The Lower Missouri River Basin is the largest yet least populated of the four Montana regional water resource planning basins, and includes the Musselshell and Milk River basins, as well as Fort Peck Reservoir. Available below is the 2014 Lower Missouri River Basin Water Plan as well as technical documents and reports that address water resource issues in the Lower Missouri River Basin.

If you have questions about water planning in the Lower Missouri Basin please contact Water Planning Section Supervisor Valerie Kurth (406) 444-6627

Lower Missouri Basin Information

Lower Missouri River Basin Water Plan - 2014  View the Report

  • Appendix A - Lower Missouri River Basin Advisory Council Recommendation Development Report
  • Appendix B - Socioeconomic Portrait of the Lower Missouri River Basin
  • Appendix C - Methods for Estimating Water Use for the State Water Plan
  • Appendix D - Fish, Wildlife and Parks Instream Flow Reservations in the Lower Missouri River Basin

Additional Lower Missouri River Basin Reports and Technical Information