DNRC Conservation and Resource Development Division manages multiple programs and administrative attachments that work toward the sustainability and conservation of Montana’s natural resources through providing financial, legal, technical, or educational services.
Regional Water Systems
Water Reservations
Supports conservation districts throughout the state in administering their reserved water to private individuals for agricultural use
Attached Programs & Resources
Rangeland Resources
Assures sustainable rangelands to support people, wildlife, recreation, clean water, and the natural scenic beauty of Montana
Sage Grouse Habitat Program
Montana Invasive Species Council
Western Montana Conservation Commission
Monitors and protects the existing high quality of Western Montana’s aquatic and natural resources
Water, Wastewater & Solid Waste Action (WASACT)
Coordinating team of stakeholders and interested groups working on water, wastewater, and solid waste projects
Grass Conservation Commission
Works to conserve, protect, restore, and facilitate the proper utilization of grass, forage, and range resources