Regional water planners assist communities in engaging stakeholders, outlining collaborative processes, developing plans for sound water management, acquiring grant funding, identifying and prioritizing projects, and resolving water use conflicts. Efforts are coordinated with several governmental and non-governmental organizations – and other partners statewide.
Additional Water Information
- Who Owns the Water in Montana?
- Who Manages Montana's Water?
- How Much Water is There and How is it Used?
- Can Groundwater Meet the Demand for the New Water Uses in Montana?
- What is the History of Water Planning in Montana?
- How is Water Managed in the Event of Water Shortage?
- What is Water Rights Adjudication?
- How are Instream Flows Protected?
- What are Federal Reserved Water Rights?
- Water Fact Sheets Terminology.
Resources for Water Commissioners
DNRC has developed an educational program for water commissioners that provides annual training on commissioner responsibilities and water measurement techniques. This free training is available to anyone interested in the accurate measurement and distribution of water in Montana including state and federal water managers, water commissioners, ditch riders and dam tenders, District Court and Water Court personnel.
Do you need a Planner’s Assistance?
The Water Planners are available to assist with watershed planning projects, acquiring grant funding, preparing drought response plans and resolving water use conflicts.
Planner Contact Information
Lower Missouri Basin information (Vacant) Please contact Valerie Kurth
Upper Missouri Basin information Danika Holmes -
Yellowstone River Basin information Sale Rhodes -
Clark Fork/Kootenai Basin Information Valerie Kurth -
State Agencies and Research Organization that focus on water
Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology – Groundwater Information Center (MBMG-GWIC) MBMG conducts groundwater research across Montana.
Montana’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) While DNRC work is focuses on water quantity in Montana, DEQ’s work is focuses on water quality.
Montana Watershed Coordination Council (MWCC) The Montana Watershed Coordination Council (MWCC) is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to supporting local watershed communities to promote healthy and productive landscapes across Montana.
Montana Water Center The Montana Water Center is one of 54 federally funded water research institutes in the United States. The Montana Water Center is partnered with the Montana Institute on Ecosystems at Montana State University in Bozeman.