In 2014, the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation began the process of making cabin and home site lease lots available for sale at the request of the lessee, in accordance with Montana Code Annotated 77-2-317 through 318. Leased cabin and home sites are now sold annually, following a selection period which occurs every other year. Available cabin sites and their status can be found below.

For more information regarding the program and specific properties please call Brent Neace at (406) 444-4289 or email More information can also be found in the July 2024 Cabin and Home Site Sales Report.

Subscribe for Cabin Site Updates


Scheduled Auctions

For more details click the sale number you would like to view.

Nashua Home Site

Sanders County

  • Sale 2049 (In Closing)

Cabin Site Forms

  • Hearing Request form - Lessees may request an informal administrative hearing to contest appraised values. This form must be submitted to the department within 10 days of the departments notification of appraised values.


Future Sales

Sales may be pending one or more of the following requirements, survey, appraisal, or land board approval. Sales are not scheduled until all requirements have been met. For the status of a sale contact Brent Neace at (406) 444-4289 or
  • Sale No. 2037
  • Sale No. 2038
  • Sale No. 2039

Lincoln Flats

  • Sale No. 2065
Clearwater River East Shore Inland
  • Sale No. 2068
  • Sale No. 2069
  • Sale No. 2070

Elbow Lake

  • Sale No. 2071

Morrell Flats

  • 2073

Seeley Lake Outlet West

  • Sale No. 2067

Morrell Creek

  • Sale No. 2066
  • Sale No. 2040

Closed Sales

For information on closed sales click here.

 To view sold sales follow the above link and using the drop down labeled "Parcel Status" select "Sold". Then click the "Show" button. Click on the sale number you wish to view for more information.

Cabin Site Sales located on Painted Rocks and Tongue River Reservoirs are managed by DNRC Water Resources. 

State Water Projects Lands Cabin-Home Site Sales