The Montana Water Measurement Program was established by the 1991 legislature and is designed to identify watercourses where chronic dewatering significantly impairs beneficial uses. The Program seeks to resolve conflicts between competing water uses such as agriculture, fisheries, industrial, municipal and recreation.
The program requires measuring and controlling devices on diversions from watercourses formally designated as chronically dewatered, by statute. This tool can help to reduce water use conflicts on a local level.

Program Background
The Program provides technical information and expertise regarding the installation of measuring and controlling devices on diversions from streams where chronic dewatering causes water use disputes or severe dewatering impacts.
The program also works cooperatively with various watershed groups, providing technical assistance in the form of irrigation water measurement, stream flow measurement and modeling. Limited grant funding is available to partially offset costs of installing measuring or controlling devices.
Program Statute & Administrative Rules
Current and Continuing Projects
- Georgetown Lake/Flint Creek Water Supply Modeling
- Mill Creek Streamflow Measurement
- Tenmile Creek Streamflow Measurement
- Wise River Streamflow Measurement - 2013
Program Contact
Matt Norberg -