2027 Biennium Grant and Loan Applications
Information on Ranking and Award of Applications Submitted May 2024
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Eligible Applicants:
- Cities, counties, or other political subdivisions including:conservation districts, irrigation districts, and water/sewer/solid waste districts
- Tribal governments in Montana
- Divisions of state government (departments, agencies, boards, commissions)
Eligible Projects:
Eligible funding types are specified in 85-1-602, Montana Code Annotated (MCA).
[1] Either grants or loans may be provided to fund the following types of projects:
(a) feasibility, design, research, and resource assessment studies;
(b) preparation of construction, rehabilitation, or production plans; and
(c) construction, rehabilitation, production, education, or other implementation effort
Examples of RRG Projects include:
- public facility projects including drinking water, wastewater and solid waste development and improvement projects
- irrigation rehabilitation
- dam repair
- soil and water conservation
Grant Amount
Grants are limited to $125,000 per project.
How to Apply
Submit applications through the online grant management system: grants.dnrc.mt.gov
DNRC solicits, evaluates, and ranks each application and forwards its recommendations for funding to the Governor’s Office before each regular legislative session. With the governor’s approval these recommendations are submitted to the legislature. The legislature makes the final decision on which projects will be funded.
Funds for projects approved by the legislature are awarded according to the funding priority list set by the legislature and are contracted according to available revenue. Not all approved projects will be funded if the total amount requested exceeds available funds.
Additional Information
RRGL Project Grant Status - Updated July 1, 2024
Grant Management Information available on the Training and Education PageContact Us

RRG Program Manager

Watershed Management Grants
Renewable Resource Grants