We protect lives, property and natural resources from wildfire by providing safe and effective services to Montana's citizens as well as leadership, coordination and resources to the State's wildfire organizations.

Mission statement from DNRC Fire Protection Strategic Plan  Click here to view

The purpose of the strategy embodied in this document is to position the DNRC Fire Protection Program for long-term success in an operating environment undergoing constant, fundamental change. The strategy also prepares us to adapt to both the changing physical environment in which we work as well as the changing needs of Montana's citizens and our agency cooperators. As we implement this strategy, we will continue to produce the responsive and effective results we produce now, while we anticipate and navigate our challenges and set an action oriented strategic course that achieves a desired future.

Success of the strategy ultimately requires alignment and purposeful implementation from the Department Director to the firefighter on the ground. Most importantly, with this strategy, the DNRC commits to having one, single, statewide fire protection program. We implement our program in two major ways and at multiple locations, but we are one program with one, unified strategy that will guide the Montana DNRC Fire Protection Program into the future.

All wildlands in Montana have some form of fire protection. A total of 50,265,678 acres of state and private land are protected.
  • Direct Protection of 5.2 million acres; 3.5 million acres of state and private lands and 1.7 million acres of federal public lands.
  • County Cooperative Fire Protection on roughly 50 million acres statewide, 5.2 million are interspersed within the direct protection program. The remaining 45 million acres are protected by a network of 400 fire departments statewide. Additionally, the Volunteer Fire Assistance (VFA) Program provides grants to county fire agencies for equipment, training, and fire prevention materials. The VFA Program is funded by the USDA Forest Service.

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