UPDATE: November 2024

FEMA has issued PRELIMINARY Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Flood Insurance Study (FIS), and spatial data. Preliminary maps can be viewed on the viewer still or can be reviewed here on FEMAs Map Service Center. 

Jefferson County has been working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) to produce new and updated 100-year floodplain maps.  The project includes updating all the existing mapped floodplains in the county, and producing new floodplain maps for portions of Prickly Pear Creek and tributaries in the northern part of the county.  

Updated floodplain maps will depict the latest, most accurate flood risk data, and will eventually result in updated FEMA floodplain maps. Most of the existing FEMA floodplain maps in Jefferson County are based off of data from the 1970s.  For more information see:  Floodplain FAQs  Flood Study Process

Public Open House Meetings Held
December 6, 2022 in Whitehall | view slides  
June 21, 2022 in Montana City | view slides | view video recording
June 23, 2022 in Boulder | view slides | view video recording

View Draft Maps 


*please be patient while the data loads on the viewer*

The draft study information and maps need to go through a lengthy technical and public review process before being finalized.  When finalized, new maps could have effects on some property owners in mapped floodplains. See: 


Flood Insurance Information:

RR-22.0-Rate-Guide.PNG  RR-2.0-Discount-Guide.PNG

View Draft Reports

Hydrology - rest of county
BoulderRiverHydraulicsReport.PNGBoulder River
PricklyPearAndTribsHydraulicReport.PNGPrickly Pear Creek and Tributaries
JeffersonRiverHydraulicsReport.PNGJefferson River
JeffersonTributariesHydraulicsReport.PNGTributary streams to Jefferson River

Come back for more information

We will update this website with new, relevant information as it is available.

Know your property's flood risk

Flood Insurance Rate Maps indicate areas of flood risk. Once this project is complete, new and updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps will provide more accurate, current, and detailed data and mapping of flood risk areas.

New floodplain studies involve collecting and analyzing data, including: topography, hydrology analyses and hydraulic analysis.

Project Timeline


For more information on the project please contact the local floodplain administrators. 

Jefferson County

Megan Bullock
(406) 225-4126

Town of Boulder

Megan McCauley
(406) 225-9629

Town of Whitehall

Kennedy Kleinsasser
(406) 287-3972