Milltown Instream Flow Information

The Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) - Montana Water Rights Compact (85-20-1901, MCA) stipulates that the former Milltown Dam hydropower water right will be split into two separate, active, and enforceable water rights that are co-owned by Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) and CSKT.  The enforcement of the water right is deferred until April 24, 2025, and during deferral period, FWP and CSKT will engage with other stakeholders in the basin on water management, drought planning and the exercise of water rights with other water users and interested citizens.   

Active/Current Versions of Milltown Instream Flow Abstracts


Changed Right: 76M 94404-00

Clark Fork River at Turah Right: 76M 94404-01

Blackfoot River at Bonner Right: 76M 94404-02

Technical Document (Appendix 31)


Milltown Instream Flow Stakeholder Outreach

Milltown Instream Facts

Milltown Community Listening Sessions Summary Report


Upper Clark Fork and Blackfoot Water Rights Map

In consultation with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Tribes, DNRC created this interactive webmap to depict irrigation water rights in the Upper Clark Fork and the Blackfoot Rivers to assist in enforcement of the Milltown right created by the compact, symbolizing points of diversion by whether they are junior or senior to the Milltown right and by whether they are groundwater or surface water rights. Click the image link below to access the webmap. 
