Motorized recreation includes using any vehicle propelled by motor power, except snowmobiles. See our snowmobile page for more information.
Road Use: Recreationist can drive motorized vehicles on public roads (federal, state, or dedicated county roads).
Unless otherwise posted by DNRC, all other roads or two-tracks on trust land are closed to motorized use by the public.
Travel Management: DNRC participates in multiagency travel planning. If roads are open through a travel management plan, they will be signed as “open” by DNRC.
Off Highway Vehicles (OHV): Most OHV trails are on Federal land and may include state trust land through cooperative agreements. Trails are maintained by local clubs or government agencies, oftentimes with grant money provided by Montana’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP). Check out their Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) page for more details, including trail locations, permitting, and more!
For information about trail riding areas on Federal land in Montana contact the local Forest Service or BLM office for a Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM).
Snowmobiles: Snowmobiles are allowed on certain state trust lands. See our snowmobile page for details.