Snowmobile use on public land in Montana is regulated by Montana’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP).  Check out their Snowmobile Regulations & Registration page for statewide regulations and other tips. 

Snowmobiles are allowed on certain state trust land with a Conservation License. 

Group rides or race events require a special recreational use license

Public Roads: Allowed if permitted by traffic laws and regulations. 
Other Roads signed by DNRC as "open": Allowed. 
Off-road or upon roads not open by DNRC:

Generally allowed on unleased land.  Most trust land east of the continental divide is leased.  Forested land west of the divide is generally unleased. 

*There may be environmental factors that limit snowmobile use in certain areas.  Contact the local DNRC Office to confirm allowable use in specific areas. 


Montana has thousands of miles of groomed snowmobile trails across the state.  Check out the FWP Snowmobile Webpage for permit information and to find a trail. 

See the Stillwater State Forest Winter Recreation Map for trust land trails in the Stillwater area.