Environmental documents as required by the Montana Environmental Policy Act are posted below from across the agency. For environmental documents related to water resources, view Water Rights Application Status.
Name | Category | Date |
Williams 11-12 #2H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Middle Bakken Formation test, 20,403’MD/10,161’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
East Butte Lookout 3D 2022-06-20
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Paragon Geophysical Services, Inc has applied to conduct a seismic survey on State Trust Lands.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
KATCO Farms Inc Expired CRP Break Request 2022-07-11
Closing Date:
Until Expired
KATCO Farms Inc has requested to break approximately 297 acres of recently expired CRP and return the land to agricultural production.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Piegan Creek Alternative Practice 2022-12-01
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proponent, Wayne Sherrill Logging is requesting an Alternative Practice (AP) to rules 5 and 6: (36.11.304) retention tree requirements and road building within the SMZ. Piegan Creek has migrated into the existing roadbed.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
SMZ alternative Practice for Doble HRA27-B-48829 2022-11-07
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Proponent desires to use an existing skid trail that is within an SMZ of a class 1 stream.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
Bainville Lay Flat Hose Project 2024-12-23
Closing Date:
Magnus Services, LLC, henceforth referred to as the proponent, has requested to temporarily place lay flat hose upon the right of way on the above described State of Montana Trust Lands tract. This hose would be used to provide temporary water for nearby, proposed oil well completions. The anticipated length of temporary pipeline on the tract is approximately 2640 feet. The expected duration of use of this license is approximately four months. The proposed license would be written for a term of six months to allow for potential scheduling conflicts.
Category:Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals | ${date} |
Bell Creek 35-09X 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury plans to drill a horizontal well as a producer in the tertiary CO2/Waterflood program. The TVD of this well is 4,490’ and MD is 5,002’. Objective formation is the Muddy Sandstone. Solids will be contained in metal pits and then hauled to a licensed disposal facility. Surface casing to be set at 780’ and will be cemented back to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Berberet Pipeline 2022-12-09
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Authorize the use of existing water pipelines for stock water through a land use license.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Billings Westend Waste Treatment Plant Project. The project proposes to use Billings Westend Waste Treatment Plant funds to construction of the new West End Waste Treatment Plant (WEWTP) capable of handling water treatment for the west end communities in Billings, MT.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Billmayer Spring Development 2022-11-22
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The lessee will install a spring development on their state trust lands grazing lease.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Cascade Gravel Testing 2024-12-20
Closing Date:
Stevens Custom Crushing & Gravel, LLC henceforth referred to as the proponent, has applied for a gravel test permit on Trust Lands on the above-referenced tract in Cascade County. The project area can be seen on page 19, attachment A. This project would utilize a backhoe to dig holes to a depth of approximately 20 feet. Testing and documenting would be performed by employees of the proponent.
If approved, the proponent would be issued an aggregate testing permit to determine the gravel resource contained within the above-referenced tract. Gravel and dirt would be excavated from the ground and sub-surface. Topsoil would be saved in a separate pile, and the disturbance created would be reclaimed immediately upon completion of documenting the test pit by backfilling the hole, replacing topsoil, and spreading native grass seed. The test pit areas would be seeded with a certified weed-free seed, native grazing, and pasture mix. The mix will be provided in the stipulations at the end of this document. The seed would be supplied by the proponent.
Category:Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals | ${date} |
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Cascade County – Sun Prairie Water System Upgrade Project. The project proposes to use Cascade County – Sun Prairie Water System. The goals of the project are to provide a reliable source of water to users within the SPCWD, address safety concerns, and update the system infrastructure to bring the system into compliance with DEQ standards and guidelines.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Cooke City Wastewater Treatment System
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Cooke City Wastewater Treatment System Project. The project proposes to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to construct a portion of the
collection system along Main Street.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Cripple Horse Bay Commercial Lease 2024-12-20
Closing Date:
The Libby Unit proposes to issue a 30-year lease, with a right to renew, for the entire 162.5-acre parcel of state trust land approximately 23 miles northeast of Libby, Montana on the east side of Lake Koocanusa in Lincoln County. The intent is to develop a recreational based business consisting of 102 RV sites, 88 covered storage units, 4 commercial lots, 48 cabins, and 18 tent sites. The development would provide associated amenities including, but not limited to, electricity distribution, wells and water distribution, and wastewater services. A short hiking trail may be developed from the tent sites to the lakeshore but is contingent on USFS Special Permit approval as the commercial lease area does not include lake access. Development would occur over a 20-year, phased period. The development would serve both tourists and the local community. The proposal will include approximately 3.5 - 4 miles of new road building in conjunction with development. The development will be required to meet Lincoln County Subdivision Standards.The project would include changing the land classification of the State parcel from “Forest” to “Other.” In addition to receiving an annual lease fee, the DNRC would also receive a revenue share from the development for the Capitol/Public Buildings Trust.
Category:Land Leases and Land Use License
Land Leases and Land Use License | ${date} |
CRP Break Request – Lease 5756 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Adam Hemry proposes the breaking and conversion of 512.90 Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres out of the 561.70 CRP acres under expired CRP contract 11000 on state land lease 5756, referred to herein as the “Project”. See Attachment A – Project Location Map for proposed break acres.
The CRP contract, No. 11000, expired on 9/30/2022. The previous lessee originally re-bid the CRP “as is” but it was rejected by the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) as it did not meet their minimum standards. In order for the tract to be put back into CRP it needed to be sprayed and re-planted, which the previous lessee did not have farm equipment to do so. The lease was then transferred to the current lessee for the purpose of converting the CRP to agricultural land for small grain production.
The purpose of the conversion from CRP acres to agricultural production acres is to increase the overall revenue on lease 5756 for the Common Schools Trust while maintaining the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) land sustainability goals. The Project is expected to occur in the Fall of 2022.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Dean Knaup Knaup Temp Road Use 2022-12-20
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Dean Knaup has applied to use approximately 1/4 mile of existing 2-track road to haul firewood from a private landowner to Calvert Road (a county road).
Agriculture | ${date} |
Deep Creek Powerline Relocation 2024-10-22
Closing Date:
Vigilante Electric Cooperative Inc submitted an easement application to remove the existing overhead transmission lines and relocate the utility along a fenceline. The purpose of this relocation is to replace outdated infrastructure with new technology and move the utility out of the agricultural field. This will make farming easier, and will improve response time/capability if power outages occur.
Rights-of-Way/Easement | ${date} |
Deer Lodge Water Supply Replacement EA
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Deer Lodge Water Supply Replacement Project. The project proposes to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to install a groundwater supply well, test wells and a new water transmission main from the new well to the existing water distribution system.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Denbury Onshore, LLC Cabin Creek CH 22X-17H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill dual lateral horizontal well into the Charles-Madison Formation. Upper lateral 7,345’ TVD / 12,623’ MD. Lower lateral 7,345’ TVD / 12,534’ MD. Surface casing to be set at 2,000’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Denbury Onshore, LLC Cabin Creek CH 33X-17H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill a dual lateral horizontal injection well into the Charles-Madison Formation. Upper lateral 7,358’ TVD / 12,246’ MD. Lower lateral 7,374’ TVD / 12,356’ MD. Surface casing to be set at 2,000’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Denbury Onshore, LLC Cabin Creek CH 34-17H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill a dual lateral horizontal well into the Charles-Madison Formation. Upper lateral 7,382’ TVD / 12,902’ MD. Lower lateral 7,379’ TVD / 12,812’ MD. Surface casing to be set at 2,000’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Denbury Onshore, LLC Little Beaver East 42-17 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill a vertical well into the Deadwood Formation 9,599’ TVD/MD. Surface casing to be set at 1,729’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Denbury Onshore, LLC Unit 12-15H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury plans to drill a horizontal well as a producer in the tertiary CO2/Waterflood program. The TVD of this well is 4,471’ and MD is 8,834’. Objective formation is the Muddy Sandstone. Solids will be contained in metal pits and then hauled to a licensed disposal facility. Surface casing to be set at 1,000’ and will be cemented back to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Devil's Fence Juniper Encroachment Removal 2022-05-31
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Agriculture | ${date} |
Dexter #1 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Bluebird, LLC plans to drill a Tyler Formation test, 5,200’ MD / TVD. The location is in general Sage Grouse habitat and requires sage grouse approval. The approval letter was received 10/12/2022. II. PROJECT
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Donsbach Well Project - 2022-05-16
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Kirk Donsbach is proposing to install a shallow well and stock tank in the SW4SE4NW4 of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 22 East. The proposed water development installation is planned to be installed directly adjacent to Box Elder Creek in hopes to have access to water on years when the creek is dry. The proposed shallow well will be used for stock water.
Agriculture | ${date} |
East Poplar 22-1 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
CWT Operating, LLC plans to drill a 7,900’ TVD / MD well with the objective formation being the Duperow or Nisku, depending on Duperow production test.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
East Poplar 22-2 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
CWT Operating, LLC plans to drill a 7,900’ TVD / MD well with the objective formation being the Duperow or Nisku, depending on Duperow production test.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Fire Adapted Virginia City - MTFAP Conifer Removal 2025-01-03
Closing Date:
The Dillon Unit of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) has received MT Forest Action Plan Grant money for conifer encroachment removal projects in locations around Virginia City. The DNRC has identified three locations within the target area as priority areas for conifer removal work, and include the tracts of Granite Creek (T5S, R3W, S36), Herman Gulch (T6S, R3W, S16), and Threemile Creek (T6S, R3W, S36). Approximately 382.91 acres of conifer encroachment removal and a potential prescribed burn are proposed across these three locations, on DNRC State Trusts Lands tracts held in trust for the Common Schools grant. The project will conduct forest thinning practices, conifer removal, and pile burning for on-the-ground treatments. The DNRC will collaborate with the Southwest Montana Sagebrush Partnership (SMSP), which consists of personnel from the NRCS, BLM, TNC, FWP, Conservation Districts, etc., local fire departments, commissioners, private landowners, and all other relevant partners.
The project's primary goal is to improve sage grouse, and forested landscapes by removing scattered Douglas-fir and Rocky Mountain Juniper from sagebrush-grassland areas, while also increasing crown spacing within historic forested systems. Additional benefits will include improved forage for wildlife, as well as a reduction in wildfire severity and risk to the communities of Virginia City and Nevada City. This project is expected to begin as early as the spring of 2025 and may extend up to 3 years.
During the project, DNRC staff will ensure treatments are completed to specifications. Once the grant period has ended, staff will implement a monitoring protocol for a period of 10 years to observe the results of the treatments and the maintenance. Due to the dry, cold conditions in this region of Montana, regeneration is expected to progress slowly. Moderate and consistent land manager maintenance - clipping/pulling seedlings, controlling noxious weeds, removing dead and down - will sustain treatment prescriptions for ~ 30 years in the dry mix-conifer forests and sage-steppe ecosystems that dominate the project area.
Conifer encroachment has been identified as a considerable threat to sage grouse conservation (80 FR 59858, October 2, 2015) while also threatening other wildlife, increasing the risk of more severe wildfires, and reducing forage for wildlife. Reducing the prevalence of rangeland-invading trees has been identified as an important objective for this region of southwest Montana. The proposed treatment areas of Granite Creek and Herman Gulch will occur in General Sage Grouse Habitat.
Category:Trust Lands - Forest Management
Trust Lands - Forest Management | ${date} |
Floweree Cattle Stock water pipeline 2022-12-12
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Floweree Cattle is proposing the construction of a stock water pipeline across trust lands in Petroleum county. The water source is on private land and there would be no water place of use on trust lands.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Forza Operating, LLC Grinde 20-1H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Forza Operating, LLC plans to drill a well for a Nisku formation test 8,210’ MD / 3,252 TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Forza Operating, LLC Grinde 29-1H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Forza Operating, LLC plans to drill a well for a Nisku formation test 7,884’ MD / 3,236 TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Gilman Construction-Staging Area 2022-03-15
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The document analyzes the environmental impact that would occur if a LUL were granted to Gilman Construction for the storage of chipping material in an active opencut site on 5S 8W Sec. 28.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Gomke Break 2022-08-18
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), Missoula Unit is proposing the Goldielogs Timber Sale Project. The proposed action is located approximately 15 aerial miles east of Missoula in the Gold Creek area of Potomac, Montana.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Haymaker Energy LUL 2022-08-29
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Haymaker Energy Project, LLC is applying for a Land Use License to access and/or utilize State Trust Land for the following purpose(s): Conduct archaeological, wetland, and related environmental surveys to support agency review of a proposed wind energy project; Electrical resistivity testing will occur in addition to geotechnical boring (utilizing air rotary drilling techniques) to support transmission line structure installation; Conduct site reconnaissance for engineering or wildlife surveys
Agriculture | ${date} |
IFG Deemer RUP 2025-01-09
Closing Date:
Allow IFG access for a temporary right-of-way on 0.4 miles of a existing road, and is issued for the purpose hauling an estimated volume of 75 mbf of timber material from adjacent section of the private property.
Category:Land Leases and Land Use License
Land Leases and Land Use License | ${date} |
James Ditch SMZ Alternative Practice 2022-09-20
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Pyramid Mountain Lumber has applied for a Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) Alternative Practice to operate equipment inside of the SMZ to facilitate slash removal and timber harvest on both sides of 900 feet of the James Ditch.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
Judith 10-3 #2H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 21,042’MD/10,385’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Judith 10-3 #3H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 20,814’MD/10,404’TVD II
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Kanduch Logging Kanduch AP's 2022-10-12
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Kanduch Logging has requested Alternative Practices on three sites.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
Keith 14-13 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Avanti Energy Montana, LLC plans to drill a well for a Souris River/Flathead formation test 6331’ MD / TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
King Street Productions - Paramount Agent: Jim Ward) LUL - 1923 Series Filming - Rock City 2022-10-11
Closing Date:
Until Expired
King Street Productions propose a filming project for the Paramount series, 1923, located on Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) state trust land known as Rock City.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Kraken Operating LLC Alligator 23-26-35 1H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 26,407’MD/10,412’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Kraken Operating LLC Alligator 23-26-35 2H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 26,199’MD/10,429’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Kraken Operating LLC Alligator 23-26-35 3H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 26,138’MD/10,429’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Kraken Operating LLC Alligator 24-25-36 4H 2022-09-28
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 26,509’MD/10,444’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Land Use Licence 2022-08-03
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Climbing Arrow Ranch, LLC installed a private well and water line on state land in 1988, referred to herein as the “Project”. The location of the Project is within the W2 of Section 36, T5N, R5E. The Project resulted in a temporary disturbance on approximately 0.66 acres and was reseeded to native grass mix. See Exhibit A, Project Location Map. The water well and water pipeline are used for stockwater and domestic purposes on the Climbing Arrow Ranch, LLC’s private land east of the Project
Agriculture | ${date} |
Land Use License - NorthWestern Energy Staging Site 2022-07-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
NorthWestern Energy proposes a staging site for construction purposes on state land, referred to herein as the “Project”. The proposed location is within the NW4SE4 of Section 2, T31N, R5W. The Project will cause temporary disturbance on approximately 1.84 acres
Agriculture | ${date} |
Leonardo 18-1H SWD 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Hydra MT LLC plans to drill a well to use as a class II SWD injection well in the Dakota Formation. Surface casing to be set at 1,880’. Proposed TD is 5,703’ TVD, 8,966’ MD. II. PROJECT
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
LHC, Inc Southeast of Chinook Gravel testing 2022-10-05
Closing Date:
Until Expired
LHC, Inc has applied for a permit to test for aggregate through the Minerals Management Bureau.
Category:Coal and Coal Bed Natural Gas (CBNG)
Coal and Coal Bed Natural Gas (CBNG) | ${date} |
Lincoln Electric Amendment of ROW-9538-2024-12-31
Closing Date:
Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. is proposing to install new underground utility lines that would replace the existing overhead powerlines which provide electrical services to the community of Olney, Montana.
Rights-of-Way/Easement | ${date} |
Long Butte Pipeline 2024-12-11
Closing Date:
Northwestern Energy applied for a right of way easement to accommodate a newly installed natural gas pipeline in one of their existing easement corridors. The new line replaced an existing line, but the centerline has moved, so a new easement footprint must be obtained.
Rights-of-Way/Easement | ${date} |
LUL - River Design 2022-09-07
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proposed action is the issuance of a land use license for the collection of 2600 live willow whip cuttings, ~5-6 feet in length and ¼ - 1 inch in diameter, on ~200 ac of Common School Trust Lands. The purpose of the land use license is to procure willow whip cuttings for stream and wetland restoration projects on nearby lands.
Agriculture | ${date} |
LUL – King Street Productions 2022-08-29
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Issuing a Land Use License (LUL) for general access to state land to mow 1-2 acres and remove existing metal gate and replace with a wood gate. This is in conjunction with filming the 1923 movie. No filming or other action will occur on state land. State land and gate will be seen on camera in the background.
Agriculture | ${date} |
LUL-305-2500026 2024-11-12
Closing Date:
Access for staging equipment on state trust land
Category:Land Leases and Land Use License
Land Leases and Land Use License | ${date} |
Lybeck 6-35-35-20 2022-06-23
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Behm Energy, Inc plans to drill a vertical oil well with an objective formation being the Sawtooth, 4,490’ TVD/MD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Lybeck 7-35-35-20 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Behm Energy, Inc plans to drill a vertical oil well with an objective formation being the Sawtooth, 4,480’ TVD/MD. II
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Marten Creek & Stobie Ranch EA 2024-12-30
Closing Date:
The Plains Unit of the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) is proposing the Marten Creek and Stobie Ranch Timber Sales. The projects are located approximately 20 air miles North of Plains, MT in the Little Rock Creek drainage.
Category:Trust Lands - Forest Management
Trust Lands - Forest Management | ${date} |
MVGR Land, LLC Restoration Project 2022-07-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Proponent proposes to use an existing road on state land in Sections 13 & 24, T12S R10W to import and export materials (gravel and silt) to and from a stream restoration project on private land and more easily access the private reaches of the stream
Agriculture | ${date} |
North Park East Temporary Access LUL-2022-05-16
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Bozeman Trax Partners is applying for a Land Use License (LUL) to provide temporary access on an existing gravel road to a cell tower on their deeded land. The width of existing road is ~30 feet and the length is ~500 feet. The total acres involved is less than 1 acre. The project area is within the municipal boundaries of the City of Bozeman, MT.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Osmolak Fence 2022-11-07
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proponent will be installing a boundary/grazing fence on their state land grazing lease for normal livestock operations.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Pennel MC43-22SH 2022-08-08
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill a horizontal well into the Mission Canyon Formation 7,283’ TVD / 13,293’ MD. Surface casing to be set at 1,700’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Pennel Unit 23XX-18B 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Denbury Onshore plans to drill a vertical well into the Silurian-Ordovician Formations 9,093’ MD / 8,963’ TVD. Surface casing to be set at 2,000’ and cemented to surface.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Programmatic EA Aggregate Testing - Final 2025-01-06
Closing Date:
This document is a programmatic environmental assessment for the aggregate testing program on State of Montana Trust Lands.
Category:Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals | ${date} |
Raffaell 17-1 SWD 2022-08-08
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Hydra MT LLC plans to drill a well to use as a class II SWD injection well in the Dakota Formation. Surface casing to be set at 1,880’. Proposed TD is 5,780’ MD / TVD
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Raffaell 17-2H SWD 2022-08-08
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Hydra MT LLC plans to drill a well to use as a class II SWD injection well in the Dakota Formation. Surface casing to be set at 1,880’. Proposed TD is 8140’ MD, 5714’ TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Real Estate Rule Amendments 2024-12-02
Closing Date:
MEPA Checklist for amendments to Real Estate Management Projects rules, ARM 36.25.901 and 36.25.903.
Category:Land Leases and Land Use License
Land Leases and Land Use License | ${date} |
Recreational Use Administrative Rule Amendments 2024-12-18
Closing Date:
Proposed amendments to administrative rules related to recreational use of trust land are reasonably necessary to align administrative rules with applicable statute as amended by HB521 (2023) and SB326 (2015), SB65 (2009), and to adopt food storage requirements for public safety in grizzly bear habitat. The addition of food storage requirement language is necessary to meet obligations within the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee, and to provide consistent food storage rules with those already in place for both FWP managed lands and federal lands.
Category:Recreational Use
Recreational Use | ${date} |
Removal of Gravel Stockpile 2024-12-20
Closing Date:
Mikesell Sales & Service, Inc. henceforth referred to as the proponent, has applied for a Land Use License, LUL, on State Trust Lands within the above-referenced tract in Meagher County. This project area can be seen in attachment A on page 16.
If approved, the proponent would be granted an LUL to access the gravel pile located upon the subject lands. An approximate 26,659 cubic yards of gravel has been stockpiled within the NW4 of section 13. The proponent would remove the gravel stockpile over a period of 4 years, at a rental rate of $13,329.50 per year paid to the Department. Once the stockpile has been removed the proponent would reseed the area with a Helena Unit approved grass seed mix.
Category:Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals | ${date} |
Silver King- Indian Meadows Creek Alternative Practice 2022-11-10
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Mote Lumber has applied for a Streamside Management Zone (SMZ) Alternative Practice for approximately 500 feet on both sides of Indian Meadows Creek on private land owned by Silver King Land & Cattle, LLC. Downstream of the project area the creek contributes directly to Landers Fork and normally flows during six months of the year or more, therefore this is a Class 1 under the Streamside Management Zone Law. The applicant seeks an Alternative Practice to operate equipment to within 15 feet of the ordinary high-water mark, operate a landing, and cut additional trees.
The primary purpose of this treatment is to remove standing live and dead trees that are a safety hazard for project workers who will be constructing a faux beaver dam following harvest to provide an initial safe location for beaver. Up to 10 trees per 100 feet on each side of the stream will be retained to provide snags for wildlife.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
Sixteen Mile Creek Crossing 2024-12-02
Closing Date:
State trust lands grazing lessee submitted an improvement request to install a stream crossing across 16 mile creek. The streambed would not be altered. Both streambanks would be excavated and filled with large aggregate and gravel to provide a solid crossing point for livestock and ATVs.
Agriculture | ${date} |
SMZ Alternative Practice for Alder Creek skid trail 2022-06-08
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Proponent wishes to cross Alder Creek, a class 2 SMZ, when it is dry, to harvest ground otherwise inaccessible.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
SMZ Alternative Practice for Clancy Creek Restoration 2022-08-12
Closing Date:
Until Expired
As part of Montana Tunnel Mine, Inc approved reclamation plan, a portion of Clancy Creek would be relocated and the original location would be harvested and reshaped to stabilize the slopes
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
SMZ Alternative Practice for Folkers HRA 27-B-48741 2022-06-23
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Proponent has applied to operate equipment within the SMZ and remove trees within the SMZ that pose a hazard to adjacent structures.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
SMZ Alternative Practice for Thomas HRA 27-B-48735 2022-07-07
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Proponent applied to use existing skid trail with in a class 3 SMZ.
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
SMZ Alternative Practice for USFS South Yaak Fire Salvage Project 2022-08-10
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Response to South Yaak Fire in summer 2021. USFS intends to remove dead and hazardous trees that could impact public travel along the Kilbrennan Lake Road. Operation of equipment within the SMZ and removal of additional trees has been requested
Category:Forest Practices
Forest Practices | ${date} |
Sorrel Springs 2022-06-03
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The DNRC Missoula Unit Trust Lands is issuing a Temporary Road Use Permit to the Lolo National Forest/DNRC GNA program.
Category:Recreational Use
Recreational Use | ${date} |
SRUL-NWLO-24055 2024-11-12
Closing Date:
Allow for filming/photography on state trust land
Category:Land Leases and Land Use License
Land Leases and Land Use License | ${date} |
State Darrow 6-18 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
MCR, LLC plans to re-enter well with an objective formation being the Swift, 3,010’ TVD/MD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Tarkio Gravel Testing LHC, Inc. 2022-12-16
Closing Date:
Until Expired
LHC, Inc. has applied to test for gravel on State Trust Lands
Category:Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals
Coal, Oil, Gas, and Other Minerals | ${date} |
Temporary Construction Access 2022-11-10
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proponent, Wayne Thunberg, is applying for a Land Use License to utilize a ±0.75-acre area of State Trust Land. Mr. Thunberg has been in trespass by using this portion of land for temporary construction access a portion of his private lands south of State Section 16, as shown in ‘Exhibit A’ without State authorization. Due to the topographical limitations of his private lands, the only way to access the construction site on his lands is to cross the state section.
The proponent utilized this portion of state land without proper authorization and is now seeking proper permission and permits in order to continue utilizing this portion. The illegal use of the Trust land was discovered during the grazing lease evaluation process.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Timberline Road Use License 2022-05-12
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proponent, Timberline Farm and Ranch, LTD, whose has applied to the DNRC Southern Land Office (SLO) for a Land Use License to permit the use of a two-track road on the south half of Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 29 East in order to access his private lands west of said section as shown in Exhibit ‘A.’
The proponent currently is the owner of the lands belonging to Bergin Farm and Ranch LLC south and east of the State Section. These lands are in the same vicinity as each other, the only legal access to Timberline Farm and Ranch LTD Co lands is on the far southwestern corner of their private held block of land, which is about a 15 mile re-route. The proponent is requesting a Land Use License to access these lands more efficiently by utilizing the existing two-track road on the State Trust Land.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Triangle telecommunications line 2022-11-09
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Agriculture | ${date} |
Turner 27-1H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Forza Operating, LLC plans to drill a well for a Nisku formation test 8,109’ MD / 3,416 TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Ty Fischer Fischer Land Use License (LUL) Authorization 2022-12-22
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Objectives of the project include:
• Use of Sections 4, 9, and 16; T15N-R12W for training sites and a winter base camp.
Agriculture | ${date} |
US Forest Service LUL307-2300023 Gov't. Training 2022-10-11
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The United States Border Patrol. (Henceforth referred to as proponent) has requested a land use license from the DNRC Eastern Land Office for the purpose of installing an image detection system and solar panel upon the tract of State Trust Land referenced above. The image detection system will consist of a camera approximately 5”x2.5”x7” and a solar panel 31”x18.5”x8”. This system will assist local, state and federal law enforcement agencies with conducting investigations.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Warren 15-22 #2H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 21,193’MD/10,359’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Warren 15-22 #3H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 20,950’MD/10,368’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Warren 15-22 #4H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Bakken Formation test, 20,801’MD/10,383’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
White Sulphur Springs Water System Improvements
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the White Sulphur Springs Water System Improvements Project. The project proposes to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to construct 3,800 feet of new water line.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Whitehall Lift Station EA
Closing Date:
The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD) is issuing a Draft Environmental Assessment for the Whitehall Lift Station Project. The project proposes to use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to Install mechanically cleaned bar screen, piping, a lift station, and a new hydrant near the Liberty Place.
Category:Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD
Conservation and Resource Development Division (CARDD | ${date} |
Wilbert Zahn Zahn Pipeline 40C 30158120 2022-10-05
Closing Date:
Until Expired
The proposed change is to add a new pipeline and stock tank to Statement of Claim 40C 30137879 in order to move water to a dry field where cattle needing water will be rotated through. One stock tank and approximately 1,600 feet of pipeline will be added. The Point of Diversion is located in Govt Lot 6, NWSW, Sec 6, Twp 19N, Rge 24E in Fergus County and the additional stock tank location is located in NWSENE, Sec 1, Twn 19N, Rge 23E in Fergus County. The stock watering system operates at 35 Gallons Per Minute and has a float/shut off valve. The DNRC shall issue a water use change authorization if an applicant proves the criteria in 85-2-402 MCA are met.
Agriculture | ${date} |
Williams 11-12 #3H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Middle Bakken Formation test, 20,223’MD/10,168’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |
Williams 11-12 #4H 2022-11-21
Closing Date:
Until Expired
Triple derrick drilling rig to drill a single lateral horizontal Middle Bakken Formation test, 20,332’MD/10,178’TVD.
Category:Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas | ${date} |