Loan Programs

DNRC offers several low-interest loans to local government and private borrowers.

Man in a field
Rangeland Resource Loans

Loans to Montana's farmers and ranchers for rangeland improvements and development. 

Vaden Acre Conrand, MT
Renewable Resource Loans

Loans for public and private water development projects and other public projects like water, sewer, irrigation.

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Wastewater Lagoons
State Revolving Fund Loans

Loans to Montana communities and water and sewer districts to repair or build wastewater and drinking water systems.

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Anna Miller

Anna Miller

Loan & Financial Management Bureau Chief

Bill Herbolich

Bill Herbolich

Budget Analyst/Loan Manager
Renewable Resource Loans
Rangeland Resource Loans

Financial Accountants

Diana Hoy 406-444-6690
Cid Sivils 406-444-6829
Linda Beckstrom 406-444-6840