Five Year Evaluation Expense Assistance - FAQ

Initially, only owners of high hazard dams are eligible to pursue funding.  DNRC has a limited amount of funds available for both 2024 and 2025.  Once DNRC has a better idea of program expenses, we can consider also assisting significant hazard dams.
Initially, only owners of DNRC regulated high hazard dams are eligible to pursue funding.  DNRC has a limited amount of funds available for both 2024 and 2025.  Once DNRC has a better idea of program expenses, we can consider also assisting owners of dams on federal property that are required to complete Five Year Evaluations to be in compliance with their federal issued special use authorization.

Yes.  Although the rules allow report format flexibility, since DNRC will be managing the contracts funded under this program, we are requiring the template be used.  DNRC is struggling with engineering staff shortages right now and use of a standard report template allows us to efficiently review and process report submittals. 

Yes. Montana has several flood control dams that are maintained in an empty condition in order to store a large runoff event. These types of reservoirs do provide many public benefits.