Evaluate and update the water right application process so that it is timely, transparent, streamlined, and consistent
The water right permit and change processes are complex and the law places the burden of proof on the applicant to meet the statutory criteria. The implementation of existing regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance can lead to longer processing times and inconsistent outcomes based on unique variables. Stakeholders have requested a simplified process with increased regulatory certainty.
The Plan
- Water Resources Division will form an internal working group to conduct audits of internal processes (based on stakeholder feedback) to identify best practices, methods to ensure consistent implementation of water processes, resources, and training necessary to ensure consistent applications.
- Following the internal reviews, the Water Resources Division internal working group will solicit additional stakeholder feedback to make recommendations to Water Resources Division leadership on the following: Elimination, revision, and/or necessary rulemaking for regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance; and improvements to application forms, addenda, instructions, and decision documents.
- Water Resources Division will implement procedures that provide transparency to the public and assist with timely processing of applications.