2022 Stakeholder Working Groups Archive: Membership and Meeting Materials

Final Decree Transition

John Bloomquist, WAAC, Water Attorney
Abigail Brown, WAAC, Water Attorney
Krista Lee Evans, Agriculture
Peter Fritsch, Water Commissioner
Andrew Gorder, Conservation/Water Attorney
Thomas Jodoin, Municipal
Ryan McLane, Hydropower/Water Attorney
Mike Murphy, Irrigation
Mike Roberts, Water Commissioner Trainer
Melissa Schlichting, Tribal
Ronda Wiggers, Development

Changes, Mitigation, & Exceptions

Pat Byorth, Conservation/Water Attorney
Pat Eller, Development/Irrigation
Krista Lee Evans, Agriculture
Brian Heaston, Municipal
Abby St. Lawrence/ Cory Shaw, Development
Raylee Honeycutt, Agriculture
Kelly Lynch, Municipal
Ryan McLane, Hydropower/Water Attorney
Julie Merritt, Water Consultant
Deb Stephenson, Water Consultant
John Tietz, Water Attorney
John Youngberg, Agriculture

2023 Session Bills

SB 72 Water Distribution & Administration After Adjudication

Senator Fitzpatrick - Bill Sponsor

Currently, there are four Water Divisions, which are collectively known as the Water Court. As the Water Court begins to issue final decrees, water stakeholders have expressed concern about water administration and a desire to clarify the role of the judiciary. This legislation was intended to provide continuity between water right adjudication and administration of the final decrees. Representing significant compromise between stakeholders in the working group, this legislation defined the roles of the Montana Water Court and District Courts, preserving the knowledge and expertise of the Water Court while also providing the opportunity for localized water distribution. The legislation aimed to preserve processes that work well, and update inefficient processes, to meet Montana’s future water challenges. 

Post-session update: SB 72 was tabled in the House Judiciary Committee. The 2023-34 Stakeholder Working Group will carry forward many lessons learned as it prepares to revisit post-adjudication roles and responsibilities this biennium.

Learn More                            Legislation Brief

HB 114 Permit and Change Process Overhaul

Representative Vinton - Bill Sponsor

Water stakeholders frequently remark that the water permit and change process through the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Water Resources Division is not timely, transparent, streamlined, or consistent. A new permit can take several years to issue. Stakeholders have expressed that permitting inefficiencies increase costs and incentivize alternative avenues of water acquisition, including illegal water use. Responding to these concerns, the DNRC Comprehensive Water Review Stakeholder Working group recommended an overhaul to the permit and change process in this proposed legislation.

Post-session update: HB 114 was signed by the Governor on April 25, 2023 with an effective date of January 1, 2024. Rules implementing HB 114 were adopted by the DNRC on December 22, 2023. Learn more about HB 114 implementation here.


Learn More                            Legislation Brief

CWR Proposed Legislation Overview

Learn more about the Stakeholder Working Group process and the collaborative efforts behind SB 72 and HB 114 Water Division Administrator Anna Pakenham-Stevenson and Lieutenant Governor Kristen Juras along with members of the Stakeholder Working Groups.


Watch Now                        Presentation Slides

All Meetings and Materials

 Archived meeting agendas, materials, and meeting recordings from the 2022 Stakeholder Working Groups.


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date: September 27, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DNRC Headquarters - The Montana Room

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 9.27.22 Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Working Group Meetings

Date: September 8, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DNRC Headquarters - the Montana Room

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 9.8.22 Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date: August 23, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DNRC Headquarters - The Montana Room

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 8.23.22 Agenda

Meeting Materials:

  • Permit and Change Process - dated 8.17.22 - We hope to solidify this draft and determine areas of consensus and dissent by voting at the meeting: Link to Document
  • Adverse Effect - DNRC's response to the working group's questions: Link to Document
  • Measurement - Sub Working Group's recommendations: Link to Document
  • Historical Use Analysis - Sub Working Group's notes/recommendations with DNRC response/plan: Link to Document


Final Decree Transition Working Group Meetings

Date: August 16, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: Fish, Wildlife and Parks

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 8.16.22 Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date: July 26, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DNRC Headquarters - The Montana Room

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 7.26.22 Agenda (framing questions included)

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Working Group  Meetings

Date: July 12, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DNRC Headquarters - The Montana Room

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to 7.12.22 Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Working Group  Meetings

Date: June 16, 2022

Time: 9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location: DEQ RES Room 111

Registration: Link to Registration

Agenda: Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date:  June 21, 2022

Time:  9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location:  DNRC Headquarters - The Montana Room

Registration:  Link to Registration 

Agenda: Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date:  May 24, 2022

Time:  9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location:  Montana League of Cities and Towns, 700 W. Custer, Helena, MT 

Registration:  Link to Registration 

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Working Group Meetings

Date:  May 10, 2022

Time:  9:00AM to 3:00PM

Location:  Room 137 Capitol Building, Helena, MT 

Registration:  Link to Registration 

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meetings

Date:  April 26, 2022 

Location:  Montana Conference Room, DNRC HQ, 1539 11th Ave 

Registration:  Link to Registration 

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Stakeholder Working Group Meeting

Date:  April 12, 2022

Time:  9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Location:  Room 172 State Capitol 

Registration:  Link to Registration 

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Changes, Mitigation and Exceptions Stakeholder Working Group Meeting

Date:  March 23, 2022 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Location:  Capitol Building Room 102, Helena, MT 

Registration: Zoom Registration 404 404 404

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Final Decree Transition Meeting

Date:  March 10, 2022 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Location:  Capitol Building, Helena, MT 

Registration: Zoom Registration 404 404 404

Agenda:  Link to Agenda

Meeting Materials:


Region 1 -  Western

Date:  March 30, 2022 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration 404 404 404


Region 2 -  Southwestern

Date:  March 24, 2022 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration 404 404 404

Regional Drought Stakeholder Meetings


Region 4 -  Central

Date:  March 17, 2022 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration 404 404 404

Regional Drought Stakeholder Meetings

Regions 3 and 6 -  North Central and Northeastern

Date:  March 16, 2022 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration

Regional Drought Stakeholder Meetings


Regions 5 and 7 -  South Central and Southeastern

Date:  March 15, 2022 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration


Drought Task Force Meeting

Date:  March 9, 2022 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Registration: Zoom Registration

Agenda:  Link to Agenda






Public meeting on the Draft Key Water Administration and Management Challenges and Proposed Action Plans

404 404 404
Draft Key Water Challenges and Action Plans
404 404 404
Survey Link (also at top of page - deadline December 15th)
Meeting Recording (video)


Water Right Application and Ownership Update Processing Factsheet

Fall 2021 404 404 404

OPEN TO 07.31.2021

Water Processes Stakeholder Outreach Survey 

Closed 07.31.2021


Existing Users Meeting

Meeting Summary
404 404 404
Meeting Recording (audio)


In-Stream Flow Meeting

Meeting Summary
404 404 404
Meeting Recording (video)


New Users Meeting

Meeting Summary
404 404 404
Meeting Recording (video)


Water Rights Processing Factsheet

Spring 2021 404 404 404