All trapping in Montana is regulated by Montana’s Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP). Check out their Trapping page for statewide regulations and other tips.
Recreational trapping on state trust land also requires a no-charge special recreational use license (SRUL). These SRULs are subject to all FWP regulations and special stipulations.
View General Trapping SRUL Terms
To apply
- Applications are accepted between March 1 through September 30.
- Submit your application to the DNRC field office where you plan to trap.
- Apply now
DNRC Review
- DNRC reviews applications in the order that they are received.
- Lessees are scoped for comment on new trapping applications.
- Generally, only one SRUL issued per section. More may be authorized on blocked sections.
- DNRC will consider lessee comments, anticipated user conflicts, application order, history of violations, and other environmental or land management factors.