
Protect communities within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) through outcome-driven, cross-boundary, innovative projects that align with priority areas identified in the Montana Wildfire Risk Assessment & Montana Forest Action Plan.

For an overview of the program, view the Wildland Urban Interface Grant Program One-pager.

Grant Cycle

The Request for Proposals closed March 15, 2024.
Please check back for 2025 Request for Proposals submission.

Forest Stewardship Grants Guide

Find out about funding opportunities and their intent with the Stewardship RFP Guide.

Learn More

  • Non-profits
  • Local governments
  • Tribal governments
  • Conservation districts
  • State Agencies
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Collaborative Groups

Qualifying projects should fall into one or more categories:

  • Reduce hazardous fuels in the WUI
  • WUI-based prevention and education
  • Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) development or update

These funds are exclusively for projects on non -federal lands and cannot be used to compensate federal labor or expenses.

The funding source is a USDA Forest Service, State, Private, and Tribal Forestry grant. The funds are passed-through by the DNRC.

Maximum Funding: $255,000
There is no minimum request, but most funded projects are $150,000 or more.

Requires a 4:1 match. That is: for every $4 federal grant funds awarded, the recipient must contribute $1 non-federal dollar. Match funds provided must relate directly to the project.

A request for proposals is available in the first quarter of the calendar year via Submittable.

Selected applicants will work with DNRC Forest Stewardship Program to further develop their proposal which will complete in a regional competitive application process in the fall.

Contact Us

Ashley Juran
Stewardship Grant Specialist