The Montana Rangeland Resources Committee and the Rangeland Resource Program at DRNC will provide a unique opportunity for two to three students during the summer months. The successful applicants will have the opportunity to spend 2-3 weeks at each of the host/mentor’s ranch operations.   


Montana Working Lands Internship Program

The Working Lands Internship Program (WLIP) is designed to offer beginning agriculturalists, natural resource and range specialists, biologists, soils majors or any student looking into natural resources, the real-world and hands-on experience implementing the educational tools already gained to a ranching operation.  

The WLIP is a paid, three-month summer internship where interns work with and learn from mentoring ranchers across Montana. Room and board is provided by mentoring/host ranches.    

Students majoring in any natural resource related field are recommended to apply for this opportunity.   

The WLIP is not designed solely as a working ranch hand position; students will be responsible to help in any way throughout the summer doing various chores that are necessary for daily ranch operations. The hands-on learning experiences gained from this program are invaluable. 

There are two parts to the application process for the Internship Program: approval of the application and a 2 part interview. 

How to Apply

Intern Application Deadline:  February 1 of each year

Internship Application

Informational Flier

Host/Mentor Applications (word) (pdf)

Learn More

Internship highlights:
  • Free room & board,
  • Paid, 10-12 week summer internship,
  • Networking with ranchers, agency personnel and more,
  • Hands-on working lands experience in a ranch environment,
  • An unforgettable experience!

 Working Lands Internship Program Flyer


Contact Us

Stacey Barta
Stacey Barta
Program Manager
Rangeland Resources