
The Reclamation and Development Grants Program (RDGP) Planning Grants are state-funded grants designed to fund projects that help plan and develop RDGP Project Grants. The program funds reclamation projects that repair, reclaim, and mitigate environmental damage to public resources from non-renewable resource extraction and crucial state need projects that prevent or eliminate severe and unacceptable damage to natural resources or capture extraordinary public benefit that would otherwise be lost.

Current Grant Cycles

Applications accepted until April 25, 2025


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Eligible Applicants:

  • Cities, counties, or other political subdivisions (e.g. conservation district, irrigation district, school district, water/sewer/solid waste district)
  • Tribal governments in Montana
  • Divisions of state government (departments, agencies, boards, commissions)

Eligible Project Types:

The RDG Program funds planning for the following project types:

  1. Reclamation ($75,000):  Projects that repair, reclaim, and/or mitigate environmental damage to public resources from non-renewable resource extraction (mining, hazardous waste, and oil and gas).
  2. Drought Management Plan ($50,000): Development of a drought management plan for a watershed or region of the state. Drought management plans must identify drought mitigation projects to implement.
  3. Drought Mitigation Project Planning ($50,000): Planning for specific projects that address drought across a watershed, as the main purpose of the project. The project must be identified in an existing plan such as a drought management plan or a watershed management plan that ties the need for the project to the watershed or region.
  4. High Hazard Dams ($75,000):  High hazard dam (Montana Dam Safety Act, MCA 85-15-106) projects that will mitigate damage to natural resources as a result of failure.  Planning grants must clearly demonstrate natural resource benefits.
  5. Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Mapping ($75,000):  Channel migration zone (CMZ) mapping projects that plan for large-scale flood assessment or other natural resource benefits to a watershed or region of the state. Projects must identify the natural resource needs of the area and include prioritization of projects benefiting natural resources. 
  6. Other Crucial State Need ($50,000):  Projects that meet a crucial state need must prevent or eliminate severe and unacceptable damage to natural resources or capture extraordinary public benefit that would otherwise be lost.  They must have a regional, watershed, or statewide importance.  Public benefit from this type of project must directly relate to natural resources. 

Examples of Planning Projects include:

  • Planning activities that lead to RDGP project grant application
  • Site assessment, sampling and project design
  • Feasibility or design studies 
  • Groundwater Investigation 
  • Research or technology demonstration 
  • Grant writing RDGP Project Grants 

Grant Amount 

Grant amount determined by project type:  

  • Reclamation  - $75,000
  • Drought Management Plan -  $50,000
  • Drought Mitigation Project Planning - $50,000
  • High Hazard Dams - $75,000
  • Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Mapping - $75,000
  • Other Crucial State Need - $50,000

How to Apply 
Please see our Program Guidance.  Submit applications through the online grant management system:  grants.dnrc.mt.gov 

Application Materials: 


Application Review and Award 
DNRC solicits, evaluates, and ranks each application.  Funds are awarded based on rank and available funding.

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Contact Us

Samantha Treu
Samantha Treu
Program Manager
Reclamation and Development Grants
CARDD Montana Environmental Policy Act