The formal 90 day appeal and comment period for Granite County will begin on June 20, 2024 and end on September 18, 2024. DNRC, FEMA, and the communities welcome public input on the preliminary FIRMs and FIS through this formal appeal process. Additional information can result in more accurate FIRMs and better inform the community and its residents of flood risk. 

To learn more about appeals and comments please click here

Appeal form for Granite County

Appeal form for The Town of Drummond

If a property owner or resident would like to submit an appeal or comment, they must submit their written request using the above forms along with the required supporting data and documentation. 


Missoula and Granite Counties are working with MT DNRC and FEMA to update and produce new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) for the Clark Fork River, Bitterroot River, Rock Creek, and Rock Creek Tributaries. Updated floodplain maps will depict the latest, most accurate flood risk data, and will eventually replace the existing floodplain maps which are based on data from the 1970s.


Draft Data:

Click on the link below to see the proposed floodplain maps and how they compare to the existing FEMA maps. Keep in mind these maps are in draft format.


Public Meeting Information:

Public Open House Meetings for Granite County and the Town of Drummond:

  • Oct 3, 2023 | Town of Drummond Community Library | view slides

Public Open House Meetings for Missoula County and the City of Missoula:

Project kickoff meetings

  • October 23, 2019 with Missoula County and the City of Missoula. | view slides

Preliminary FEMA Maps Granite County

Preliminary FEMA maps are available for Granite County. To access the maps you can click here and visit FEMA's Map Service Center. 

Instructions on how to navigate the map service center can be found here. 
Navigating FEMA's Map Service Center

Flood Study Reports

Structure Survey Report
Hydrology Report
Hydraulics Report Bitterroot River
*Report appendix's available upong request to local Floodplain Administrator
Hydraulics Report Rock Creek
*Report appendix's available upong request to local Floodplain Administrator
Hydraulics Report Clark Fork River
*Report appendix's available upong request to local Floodplain Administrator

Give comments during the official Appeal and Comment Period:

During this project you will have the opportunity to submit an official comment or appeal about the proposed floodplain changes to FEMA. Check back to stay informed on the specific dates of the Appeal and Comment Period.

Missoula County mid 2025 (estimated)

Community fact sheets

100-year floodplain fact sheet (1% Annual Chance Flood)

Floodway fact sheet (area within the 100-year floodplain)

For more information contact your local Floodplain Administrator.

Missoula County

Matt Heimel
(406) 258-3799


City of Missoula

Cassie Tripard
(406) 552-6673


100-year floodplain fact sheet (1% Annual Chance Flood)

Floodway fact sheet (area within the 100-year floodplain)

500-year floodplain fact sheet 

For more information contact your local Floodplain Administrator.

Granite County

Linda Bouck
(406) 859-7021

Town of Drummond

Cary McLure
(406) 288-3231

Project Timeline 

Below is the tentative project timeline. 



Map History & Project information

In Missoula County, floodplain maps were modernized through a Digitized Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM) project initiated in 2005 and completed in 2015. Granite County was modernized to digital format with a 2016 RiskMAP project. The maps were converted from paper to digital. None of the proposed stream reaches were restudied during DFIRM conversion, and as a result, most of the effective mapping is almost 40 years old.

Below are the study extents and level of study for the Clark Fork and Bitterroot River and Rock Creek.